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Two months holiday

cold and thin air


10 % of Finnish population have asthma. 10 % of Finnish families with kids live in poverty. We can tackle both problems by climbing Everest. You give your money to charity work and I climb. Deal?


Sex, drugs and rock and roll - and donating! They all have similar effects on the mesolimbic reward system in the brain. You can get helpers' high by giving money to good causes. 


Also, oxytocin is released. Same areas are activated when looking your own baby or romantic partners.  



Once Everest is done, I will be back. South Pole, the original destination, is waiting. It is going to be interesting to see how body and especially mind reacts sea level oxygenation. This is the real mental challenge, if things at Everest go wrong. How to motivate myself to another long expedition? I need more practical tools for handling the possible scenarios, so I go to PT.



My climb to Mt Everest will start 6th Apr 2019. I aim to be summiting late May and come back home in June.

I go together with British company Adventure Peaks from Norht side of Everest. The mountain is 8844 m high and pretty windy place to be.

People often think, why to do such things. Isn't it dangerous? You might get killed, or good scenario just to loose a toe.

I ask, why do you smoke. Are you really brave enough to risk for getting cancer? When did you sweat hard last time?

I don't have any better answers than that. I try climb Everest, because it's fun thing to do and I'm in the lucky position that I can try.


Paula Strengell

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